Many stations conduct toy drives for kids in need. Coat drives are great as well. Have you thought about doing a Mental Health Drive?

It’s no secret this time of year is the most stressful. Sadly, during the holidays are when many who are fighting depression end up losing the battle. What can you do with your platform to help?

This may be difficult but you could do some research in your area to discern if there’s a facility you can work with. They could possibly become a sponsor for the drive as well. The facility will have a better idea as to what you can do to help.

This could be as simple as setting up a monetary donation site.  A lot of insurance companies only allow a certain amount of visits per year. Usually, it’s not enough either. The money donated could go towards a fund within the facility that will help those in need seek mental healthcare. It’s not as flashy as a toy drive, but it’s incredibly needed.

Another option could be to collect mental health items. Self help books, stress relief items such as fidget spinners and stress relief coloring books, journals, aromatherapy products, and meditation guides.  After you’ve met your desired collection amount, hold a remote at the mental health facility where those in need can come meet you, doctors, and get information on treatment.

Yes, this is a downer topic. You don’t have to treat it as such. When you talk about it on air spin it as you would spin a coat drive for kids. “It’s the holidays! Everyone should have some cheer this season. Let’s help our friends and family enjoy what can be a stress inducing time….”

Again, not flashy, but I can guarantee you no one else in your area will be doing something like this. I imagine you know someone who has had to cope with mental health issues. Everyone has been impacted someway. It would be great to do what you can to help.