A mediocre week for clicks and shares but we did have a great response to our weekly wire poll question about voiceover mics. When we asked ‘What’s your favorite kind of mic for voiceovers?’ readers were again evenly split, Condenser (31.8%), Dynamic (34.3%) and Shotgun (33.9%). Thanks again for continuing to read, watch and listen to our content! If you have thoughts you’d like to share on a radio topic than send it our way by emailing submissions@radioupdate.com. If we use your content on the site, we’ll pay you for it. Please continue to tell all of your radio friends and coworkers to check out our site. We’d also love to hear more of your feedback in the comment sections of articles or by emailing editor@radioupdate.com. To sign up for our weekly wire and weekend wire newsletters click on the mail icon on the right-side menu from the homepage. If you haven’t already, please follow us on social, FB, IG, LinkedIn, X, and TikTok. According to our internal data, these are the top ten things you all clicked on this week.
1. Choosing the Right Voiceover Mic (Engineering) Written by Mike Norgaard
2. HRN Launches Two 24/7 Spanish-Language Music Formats (Programming) Written by Renee Cassis
3. AI Images Ensure No More Copyright Issues (Digital) Written by Jim Sherwood
4. Why Digital Content? Why Not Just Radio? (Digital) Written by Jim Sherwood
5. Design Games to Appeal to Emotions – Like Game Shows! (Programming) Written by Tracy Johnson
6. Radio Influencers Podcast NEW EPISODE More With Less (Management) Created by Andy Meadows
7. Mother’s Day Promotions! (Promotions) Written by Stephanie Blue
8. Radio Personalities Should Be The Face of Your Brand (Programming) Written by Tracy Johnson
9. Create Your Strategy (Programming) Written by John Lund
10. Persuading for Profits NEW EPISODE (Sales) Created by Brent Hoodenpyle
As always, big thanks to all of our content contributors for all the clickable, shareable content they created this week! If you’d like to create content for Radio Update and get paid for it click here to get more info.