With all the holiday festivities, don’t forget NYE is just around the corner! It’s less than a month away so if you don’t have any promotions ready, don’t worry, we have you covered. We’ve come up with a few that won’t take a lot of planning, and best of all, little budget.

  1. The first one might be the easiest, Tag onto a party that’s already planned at a club or bar! If something has previously been in the works, get with the owner/manager and find out how you can help. Do they need on-air promotion? Do they need a judge or MC for a contest they’re having that night? Do they need giveaways? Pitch it as if you are doing THEM a service by being there for the party.
  2. Along with the contest, again, tag onto a bar or club, but do an NYE baby contest! Everyone talks about the NYE baby…Have listeners dress up as the NYE baby and strut their stuff on stage! The crowd votes on who’s the best. The winner could get a bar tab up to a certain amount, or whatever you have in your budget for a giveaway.
  3. It’s not too late to find a band that isn’t booked, rent a conference room at a hotel, and throw your own party! You could do the NYE baby contest, and the winner gets a free hotel room. Or you could start taking submissions now to win the free hotel room. Hotel parties are generally easy to execute. I’m sure you have a hotel you’ve worked with before, and maybe a house band. Start giving away tickets to the party on-air every morning. You can make it a theme or just have a plain NYE bash! Have a ball drop and champaign toast included in the ticket. Discounted rooms could be a possibility as well. This generates revenue for the hotel so, again, pitch it as a service to the hotel.
  4. If you’re a station that caters to families, do an early NYE ball drop for the kids! Again, you can have a conference room at a hotel for this, rent a few bounce houses, face painting, sparkling cider toast at midnight, DJ with kids dance music. This could even happen next to the actual party in the next conference room. If you have a couple sister stations that could throw a bash together, this would be huge for your company. Rarely, do sister stations work together, but I think that’s a complete missed opportunity. Work smarter, not harder.
  5. We’re ringing in 2025…You could flash back to 1925 with a flapper/mobster theme NYE bash! People LOVE a good theme party! Sell the ticket for $25 and it includes the band, champaign toast, and costume contest for the best dressed duo.

As usual, these are all jumping off points for potential parties. Use what works best for your demo. Happy NYE!